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|     Technology

|     Design

For me, these principles are the heart of everything I do, because I understand that clear communication of information depends on all three.

First, materials must be clear and succinct. I work with subject matter experts to create engaging educational materials and then distill those materials down to their most essential form.

Next, I consider the content and intended audience of a project to determine the most effective method of delivery. This could be interactive modules, AR micro-lessons, instructional videos, instructor led training or a combination of multiple methods.

Finally, I present content in a way that provides a user experience that is clean and easy to navigate. We’ve all struggled through good lessons that were presented poorly. My strong understanding of visual design and how it can enhance the user experience is what sets my work apart.

My projects feel ‘right’ and learners are able to focus on acquiring content rather than sifting through cluttered visuals and confusing navigation.

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